Planted Pieces: Growing Through Mosaics
click here for more information and registration
This class is in person
Oct. 28, 2023
Nov. 4, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
10:00 am -1:00 pm
Ages 8-12
Presented by ODU’s Art Education Department:
Planted Pieces: Growing Through Mosaics a Youth Art Saturday School three week workshop created to address growth and embrace the beauty of mistakes as stepping stones toward learning and improvement. Children will explore Heather Beardsley’s Strange Plants exhibition and Jaime Guerrero’s large scale glass sculpture titled Dendrolatry. Both artists are important to show to students as they relate to the big ideas of growth, self- identity and environment. Students will find their own inspiration from works of art throughout the Chrysler Museum and Glass Galleries. Playful museum activities will help students engage with the Chrysler collection. Just like a plant, art takes time to grow and develop. By embracing the journey of learning and growing together, participants will create mosaic art works and other art related activities. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for children to nurture their creativity and grow as artists.
Planted Pieces: Growing Through Mosaics is presented by ODU Art Education seniors, Bria Tyler, Elijah Chumley, and Mackay Staples.
By registering for this, you agree to your commitment for all three classes. Each class builds on the knowledge of the previous one, so attendance is important. You only need to purchase one ticket to reserve your child's seat for all three classes.

ODU and the Art Education program are honored to receive a financial donation from the Melinda M. Vooss Artfully Yours Memorial Fund to help support student advancement and community-related art education programs. The memorial fund was created in memory of Melinda Vooss ‘04, to support people and programs that awaken and inspire their inner artist and use the joy and power of art education as a platform to encourage curiosity, promote pride, spread positivity and build community.
Collection of the Self
click here for more information and registration
This class is in person
Oct. 28, 2023
Nov. 4, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
10:00 am -1:00 pm
Ages 13-17
Come join Art Education seniors from ODU at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art for Collection of the Self, a unique and exciting event for students ages 13 to 17! Get ready to unleash your creativity and explore the world of self-expression. Located on 2200 Parks Avenue in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA. This in-person event promises to be a memorable experience where participants get to use the process of linoleum printing and embroidery to create patches, a collective quilt, and other fiber processes. We will explore and find inspiration in the Collector’s Edition exhibition. The art made will reference personal identity, and how collecting brings us together as humans. With a focus on sustainability students will stitch their ideas into works of art. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow art enthusiasts and witness the incredible collection of self-expression.
Collection of the Self is presented by ODU Art education seniors, Grace Green and Jessica Feick.
By registering for this, you agree to your commitment for all three classes. Each class builds on the knowledge of the previous one, so attendance is important. You only need to purchase one ticket to reserve your child's seat for all three classes.